Prayer List


Sarah – Prayer needed for new postmaster, pray for her organization, long hours and her Christian witness to her co workers
Susan C. – Pray for healing for Stephanie, who has Lupus.
Matthew – Pray for Stan and Linda who are both ill with a severe cold.  
Rinn – My niece (Vienna) ask for prayer for a family member, who lives in New Braunfels. . . who has jaundice from chemo.
Missy and Tommy – Prayer for safe travel to South Carolina.
Veronica – Praises for being back home safe and happy to see family and friends.
Pastor – Pray for our armed forces and our upcoming inauguration. We pray for a smooth transition.

Mel – Pray for patience during the holidays and safe travels for everyone.
Ina Fay – Kim recently fell at home. Pray for healing.
Ken and Nedra – Praise. . . our missionaries, Sarah and Benjamin, made it back safely to their home base in Indonesia with their three youngsters after an 18-hour flight.
Susan – Pray for her brother, Glenn, who fell off some farm equipment and broke six ribs, he now has pneumonia and is still in hospital.
Praise for our Christmas Eve service, children’s music program, and our Pastor’s message.
Praise for young Miss. Kinley, who played a lively Christmas medley on her violin in Sunday’s worship service.
Pastor – Pray for President Trump’s January inauguration, for protection and a smooth transition.
Pray for our military branches over this holiday who are making a sacrifice to keep America protected.

Mel – Praise for the rain.
Chris – Pray for a high school student (Columbus, TX) who needs a home as his biological mother has too many complications to provide for him.
Candy – Pray for baby Joseph as he withdraws from drugs. His biological mother was a drug addict who gave him up for adoption.
Susan – Praise God I found a new doctor and praise God that the previous doctor cooperated. Pray for strength and energy.
Rinn – Pray for Kim and K.J. to heal. Also, pray for Junelle and Veronica’s safe travels to Kentucky and for Missy and her family’s travels as well.
Pastor – Praise and prayer for Sarah and Benjamin’s (Mission Aviation Fellowship) mission assignment to Indonesia.

Church – Praise for Benjamin and Sarah Porch, missionaries whom we support with Mission Aviation Fellowship. They gave us their report.
They were in the U. S. for additional training and will return to Indonesia. We continue to pray for them as they serve the
Lord and raise their three children.
Missy – Praise and thankful for the rain.
Susan – Praise that she was accepted by a new doctor to address her specific health situation. Susan’s friend Judy passed, and Susan asked for prayers for her family.
Linda and Stan – Pray for the safety and protection of their niece, who lives in the Golan Heights next to Syria.
Candy – Pray for her niece. She is adopting a baby (Joseph) in Colorado who was born to a drug-addicted mother. Pray for young Joseph and his birth mother.
Rinn – Pray for peace in the world. Pray for our pastor and staff to have a relaxing holiday after spending the year doing the work of the Spirit of Christ.

Missy – Pray for K.J. who is recovering from surgery.
Ina Fay – Pray for her friend, Fernando, who was taken to the ER with a low oxygenation level.
Candy – Praise for the blessing of this holiday season and thankful God is working in her life.
Praise for her daughter’s new job and her son’s new career path.
Pray for Susan to find the right doctor she needs to address her specific health needs.
Pray for reduction of spasms in her legs and increased mobility.
Rinn – Praise that my guest’s dog had a full recovery from toxic ingestion.
Praise God for making me so alert to the issues. Pray for my guest as she is a new Christian, to find a good church in the Heights in Houston.
Veronica – Pray for her cousin, Alan, who has cancer. And Praise for his great faith during this time.
Sherman and Janet – Pray for family unity under God and look for His guidance.
Pastor – Continue prayer for America during this national political transition period.
Continue prayer for America’s armed forces and also pray for our enemies. America, like all nations, is in a process of healing from sin. This is the ongoing condition of humanity. This is why we have been and are in national turmoil. Too many American leaders have made and are making sinful decisions, and under their sinful leadership, the country has been directed down a deep road of destruction. We all see this is the case. But we are not to the point where the Lord has turned us over completely to sin (Romans 18ff). We pray for America’s elected leaders to turn to God and seek His will in their lives so our country can be on the healing road. We know that many leaders are Christians, but they need our prayers of encouragement to stay on course.

Terry – Thanks for the get-well card from the lady’s Bible study. We miss being here to see everyone and worship.
Pray for Kim’s healing and pain management. Kim has major pain in her legs. Pray she will be able to walk again soon.
Praise for her wonderful primary caretaker Lindsey (daughter).
Susan – Pray for the neurologist to accept her as a new patient.
Pastor – Pray for safe travel for everyone over Thanksgiving. We lift up our local schools and after-school programs. We have much to be thankful for!
Candy – Prayers for a smooth transition of our government. May it be peaceful.
Help us stay engaged and vocal, and ask God for our country to be humble and listen to His plan.
Rinn – Pray for righteousness in all that we do; and all our new leaders are trying to accomplish.
We seek the Lord’s guidance. Pray for the Lord’s angels to protect our president physically and spiritually.
Prayers for the healing of a local man, Frank, who was in a car wreck last week.
Missy – Prayers for KJ and her family, as she is having rotator cuff surgery this Wednesday in Houston.
We ask for continued prayers for our granddaughter, Trixie. . . for healing of the right frontal lobe and for more diagnostics to determine her correct treatments. Pray for patience for her parents and siblings; and for Trixie to know how much they love her.

Lindsey – Pray for her Mom, Kim, who is showing some improvement.
Heidi – continued prayer for Naomi and good results in her medical tests
Mike – praise for his surgeons at Methodist hospital and that he is healing well. Thanks to Linda for taking such good care of him.
Veronica – Praise. . .the After-School program is going well, and students enjoy highlighting their Bibles. Many praises that the students are processing the word of God and recently realized that we are all made in the spiritual image of God! Thanks to all the program volunteers who help so many families.
Candy – Praise for her good friend Laura, in Raleigh, North Carolina; who is healing from colon cancer.
Also, praises God for the hospital parking attendant’s encouraging words. . . “If He brings you to it He will bring you through it!” Pray for this parking lot ministry!
Candy is thankful for a good report on her own health.
Praise for the beautiful voices and all our other music volunteers who bring the blessing of music to our services.
Tom – Please pray for his friend Gerry in Industry, TX. . . who is in ICU with renal failure and is receiving chemo.
Susan – Pray that I may find a doctor in Temple or Houston to address my specific medical needs.
Sherman – Ask for continued prayer for him, his brother-in-law, and his family, who are all coping with the loss of their son, Alex, who died 2 months ago.
Linda – Pray for her cousin who is saying she no longer believes in God. Pray for the youngest son to believe in Christ.
Pray for them to be open to the Gospel and for someone to share the Truth with them.
Pastor – We praise God that our lives are eternal in the Lord. We pray for those who have not surrendered to the Lord and for those who are struggling in life.
We Believers know that the Lord loves them and wants to give them hope and a future in His heaven.
Praise God that we have so much to be thankful for with the results of the past election.
Pray for our military and their families, who make huge sacrifices for our freedoms and safety.

Nedra – Pray for American veterans and their families as she reports their high rate suicide.
Please continue to pray unceasingly for our troops and veterans.
Please pray to close our borders.
Praise, Ken is here with us today in church is still healing from his fall.
Pray and praise for Ken and Nedra’s granddaughter and family (Benjamin and Sarah) who have arrived in Idaho from the Indonesian mission field for additional training.
Pastor – Praise God. . . We are thankful that Donald Trump was elected the 47th president of The United States. President Trump has acknowledged publicly that God has spared his life to serve America and make it a great country. This has been an answer to many, many prayers. We also pray for a smooth and peaceful transition over the next 3 months. (Matt. 5:43-48) With Jesus’ words in our hearts and mind. . . we witness to those who are in opposition to President Trump’s landslide election. The fact that it was a Republican landslide election. . . winning control of the Presidency, Senate and House of Representatives, highlights the fact that those who could not see the difference between good and evil and therefore voted for a Democrat are truly spiritually blind. We seek opportunities to humbly witness God’s truth to them.
Barbara – Pray for protection of her daughter and family in the Golan heights, Israel.
Susan – Pray for her finding a new doctor who is a specialist for her medical condition.
Terry – Pray for Kim for healing from ongoing health issues. Pray for pain relief and for her caretakers.

Mel – Prayer for Mike who underwent surgery on his shoulder. And pray for is wife Linda, who is Mike’s caretaker.
Pastor – Pray for truth and justice for America this week in the nation’s election. We know that the perfect candidate is Christ. So, we vote and pray for our President to follow the Lord.
Nedra – Pray for Ken, who fell at home in the garage breaking a rib. And pray for the management of the clean-up due to a recent garage fire.
Pray for their grandchildren, Sarah and Benjamin, who are Missionaries in Indonesia with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). Pray for their safe flight home to America, with their 3 small children ages 5, 4, and 1.
Praise – Linda is thankful to be back in church and all the healing and prayer she has received!
Suzanne – Praise the Lord that her grandson, Jason, will soon be starting business school at A & M.
Veronica – Pray for the KJ and family as Jonathan is away and Malley lost her dog (car ran over) and Curtis fell. K.J ask for prayer for her father who has been diagnosed with dementia.
Heidi- Praise the Lord for healing for her brother-in-law, ( heart issues ) and uncle. Heidi also requests prayer for Naomi; as she goes thru bone and tissue scans and a biopsy.
Pastor – Pray for the Ballard family as they mourn the loss of one of six brothers, Walter, (age 91) who went to be with the Lord this past week.
Missy – Pray for her replacement in worship to play the guitar or piano when she and her family are out of town.

Veronica – Please pray for healing for Sandra. . . who is the sister of my friend Linda. Sandra has been diagnosed with kidney cancer.
Sherman – Pray for his sister and brother-in-law. . . Their son, Alex, recently passed. Thank you God, for their visiting our Christian Fellowship.
Sara – Update on Jessica’s family of 6. . .  who were in a “Mistaken Identity” gunshot crime in Austin. . . as they were on their way to a Fall event called the Pumpkin Patch. The father was at a stop sign, and saw a window down in a vehicle that drove up to them. . .  a gun come out. . . He was shot 5 times while he covered his family with his body. He has 4 children and wife. He has survived so far. His young son is healing but a bullet damaged his foot. Thank you Father for the bullets missing major arteries. The gunman was arrested and we pray for justice.
Rinn – Praise for a good and safe Fall Show. Thank you for all the law enforcement and mounted police.
Church – Pray for the safe travels of vendors and shoppers as they drive home.
Praise and thanks for our after school program and all the children are learning .
Praise and thanks for our Sunday morning Bible study before the service. Young and old; we are all growing in the wisdom and knowledge of God.
Missy – Prayers for rain please.
Pastor – Pray for Muslim group in Michigan who are new Trump supporters. May they find their peace in Jesus Christ.
Mike – Praise and thankful for his wife Linda, who will be his care-giver, after his shoulder surgery on Wednesday this week.
Jeannie – Pray for Kim Z. to recover from her illness. . . and to be alleviated of intense pain, and have an increased appetite.
Heidi – praise that Nelson, her brother-in-law, is healing from heart surgery. Nelson lives in the Helene Hurricane area that has been devastated.
Praise for her uncle Albert who has electricity now after the Helene outage .
Nedra – Praise and prayer for Ken’s eye surgery recovery. Ken looks forward to seeing his Round top church family again soon.
Pray for their grandchild (Adult) Sarah, on their mission trip with her husband Benjamin and young family .
K.J. – Praise for family getting over being under the weather. Pray for the fund raising for a new swimming complex in Lagrange.
Pray for her friend Sarah who received serious injury from an auto-accident but will recover. And Praise that Sarah’s twin boys were not injured.
Rinn – Pray for Laura (Guest in her home) whose houses flooded in Charlotte county, Florida. Praise she was spared from drowning.
Thank you for praying for my daughter Tory. Praise she did receive her visa for France in a record 7 days. And also a blessing for medical insurance coverage came through. And pray for Tory to get a better paying job.
Lindsey – Pray for Kim, who is home from the hospital and is looking forward to getting some sleep. Pray for her health, pain relief and healing.  
Mel  – Praise and prayer for Samaritans Purse. And encouraged donations to fund the work as they are on the front-lines helping storm victims.
Church –Pray for the witnessing opportunities during the Antique Show. . . to witness the love of Christ.
Praise God who has equipped His people to witness with His Spirt. We are not alone in our witness. Pray for safety during the Antique Show.
Praise and prayer for great Law Enforcement and First Responders.
Praise for sharing the light of Christ with so many children and teens in the After school program.
Praise for the many workers involved in teaching the Gospel truth.

Lindsey – pray for her mom’s (Kim) health and ability to sleep. Pray that her doctors find a proper diagnosis.
Susan – pray for her friend Stephanie in managing her lupus symptoms and for healing.
Praise for Junell’s family – to have a safe trip back to Kentucky and Tennessee.
Many praises and thanks for all the wonderful and Godly music that Veronica’s brother Larry and William Skaggs provided to our congregation over the weekend.
Rinn – Pray for public safety as there have been a lot of traffic accidents and issues already this month in our area .
Pray for Law Enforcement’s an emergency responder’s safety and protection during Fall Show .
Heidi – her brother-in-law lives in the hurricane (Helene) affected area. He had surgery for pacemaker and is struggling to have basic services restored.
Pray for Samaritan Purse; and other rescue operations in the Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina area.
Joyce’s family friend asks for prayers for Israel. . . for protection and direction from the Lord in these critical war times.
Missy – Pray for the state of Florida as it braces for Hurricane Milton .
Pastor Mathew – We pray God’s Grace, Will and justice in this critical election coming up in November.
We pray that all the ballots are counted according to law. May the Lord lift up and protect all the candidates.
And pray for the candidates who are elected seek the Lord in all their decisions.
Matthew – Pay for Kim as she is not feeling well. Pray for healing and comfort. . .Get well soon!. . .
And. . . Continued prayer for Christopher as he is still recovering.
Susan –  Praise. . .She is getting glasses next week to help her eyes. Praise for an accurate diagnosis, so she can drive with confidence .
Heidi – Prayers for her brother-in-law, Nelson, to heal from having his heart valve replaced. Praise surgery went well.
George – Praise and thankful to have the Lords blessing on his career, and for driving a 1/4 million miles in past few years safely, and being able to share his faith.
Veronica – Prayers for our local school to be guided by the Lord to get proper funding for a science teacher, and other needs met.
Praise that the Lord protects the students  and teachers, during  the new school year.
Rinn – She is hoping for a joyful, and peaceful Fall antique show , starting this next weekend.
We are thankful for the rain, as well.
Mark J. – Pray that school boards, principals and teachers across Texas will make wise decisions to protect their students.  
Susan – Praise that we’re here at church this morning! Praise also that the eye doctor was able to find a solution to my double vision by adding prisms in my glasses!
Sara – Praise God for a successful Booster Club fundraiser!
Matthew – Pray for upcoming vote, Nov, 5th at the General Election for Prop. A. . . to support our own Round Top Carmine I.S.D. 100% of this money will stay in our I.S.D. and not be taken via “Robin Hood.”  Call me for any questions. Also, pray for America to have FREE and FAIR elections!
Chris – Prayers for some friends that thought they were at the end of the season of raising children but have just found out they’re having a baby! Pray for peace and calmness with the newfound news!
Veronica – Continued prayers for healing of Linda’s neck pain.
Judy – Continued prayers for Harriet’s healing, for no pain in her legs.
Missy – Prayers for our 5 year old granddaughter, Trixie, who has autism and has to have brain testing that will require her to wear a monitor sensing device on her head for 3 days. A lot of prayers please! Prayers for answers!
Sherman – Our nephew, Alex, passed away suddenly at college (A&M). He had told us previously that he was incredibly touched that people prayed for him despite not knowing him. Prayers for my brother-in-law, Tom, to continue to turn to God and rely on Him. Continued prayers for Alex’s immediate family.
Linda – Our daughter’s friend, Aiden, only had one chemo treatment and then got covid before she could do the second treatment. Pray for her.
Please pray for me as I go see about pain management in the morning.
Heidi – Please pray for Tucker, a Pastor’s friend’s son, who was in an accident and has a brain bleed. Pray they can remove the feeding tube.
Christie – Please pray for Cameron who will be having foot surgery on Tuesday. 


Matthew – Praise and prayers for the school kids that come here each week to hear about Jesus!
Prayers for safe travels for those traveling.
Pray for Janet and Sherman’s family whose nephew, Alex, passed away suddenly.
Kim – Praise that we’re at church this morning! Thank you for the prayers for me!
KJ – Praise that Mallie’s ultrasound on her neck came back clear! Prayers for homeschool co-op group’s kids.
Mike – Praise that Joaquin is halfway through his cancer treatments for his pancreas, and the doctors say that it has not grown at all!  Joaquin is in good spirits, feeling good and doing well!
Curtis – Praise that Mallie fell off her horse and was not hurt.
Rinn – Please pray for Susan’s upcoming eye appointment to go well and for her to gain better mobility!
Ashley – Please pray for a good outcome for Trixie (age 5) who will be going to an appointment tomorrow/Monday concerning developmental delays.