- Aug 28, 2018Mark 14: 41-72 The Trial of Man
Aug 28, 2018Mark 14: 41-72 The Trial of ManBy: Matthew DIehlSeries: MarkThe latter verses in Mark 14 detail the arrest and courtyard trial of Jesus at night. These actions symbolize man’s struggle with God becoming one of them. This is an epic event demonstrating man’s fallen-drive to put “God on trial.” The reality is that the trial of Jesus is the “Trial of Man.” God is always on trial. Every day men from all over the world put God on trial.
- Aug 23, 2018Mark 14: 26-42 Foot of the Cross Disciple
Aug 23, 2018Mark 14: 26-42 Foot of the Cross DiscipleBy: Matthew DIehlSeries: Mark
How do I prepare to be a “Foot of the Cross Disciple?”
Considerations: Do you fear the world more than you love God? Do you see God’s eternal heaven? Is your mind set more on temporal things than eternal? When you get up in the morning do you pray for the Lord to guide your day? Are you preparing yourself to be closer to God than you were yesterday?
- Aug 12, 2018Mark 14:16-27 Betrayal And Forgiveness
Aug 12, 2018Mark 14:16-27 Betrayal And ForgivenessBy: Matthew DIehlSeries: Mark
Forgiveness is not letting the person who offended off the hook. Forgiveness is letting you off the hook of hard feelings that could develop into bitterness and hate. The person committing the offense will one day answer to God.
- Aug 5, 2018Mark 14:1-16 Passover – God’s Basic Revelation
Aug 5, 2018Mark 14:1-16 Passover – God’s Basic RevelationBy: Matthew DIehlSeries: Mark"Mark 14:1-16" The Bible provides all the answers to be successful in life regardless of a person’s occupation or vocation. Jesus is asked by a religious lawyer testing Him, "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" And Jesus responded to him, "'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' "This is the great and foremost commandment. "The second is like it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' "On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets" (Matthew. 22:35-40).
- Jul 29, 2018Mark 13 “Carry on in the Lord – Be Alert”
Jul 29, 2018Mark 13 “Carry on in the Lord – Be Alert”By: Matthew DIehlSeries: Mark
We may, because of the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus, be banished to an island but then there is the Spirit of the Lord that comes to us, a voice like a trumpet, and we listen and we carry on in the Lord. We Believers will never have an end to LIFE.
- Jul 22, 2018Mark 13:3-13 “You the Minister”
- Jul 15, 2018Mark 13: 1-2 “God’s Indestructable Temple – In You”
Jul 15, 2018Mark 13: 1-2 “God’s Indestructable Temple – In You”By: Matthew DIehlSeries: Mark
Where is your tabernacle? The Good News is that God’s Tabernacle in you is not made with human hands. Man cannot tear down the Tabernacle he did not make with his hands. No one can take away from you the place where God meets you. God’s inner sanctuary is in your being. God created each one of us to contain His inner sanctuary. The place where, in the darkest of times, God’s Light will shine. The place that is eternal. The place were God’s peace, love and forgiveness prevail.
- Jul 8, 2018Mark 12:35-44 “We are spiritual instruments of God”
Jul 8, 2018Mark 12:35-44 “We are spiritual instruments of God”By: Matthew DIehlSeries: MarkGod wants us to realize we are His people, voice and are empowered by His Spirit. Believers are the extension of God on earth."Mark 12:35-44" from Round Top Church by Matthew Diehl. .
- Jul 1, 20184th Of July
Jul 1, 20184th Of JulyBy: Matthew DIehlSeries: Holiday"July 1st Sermon" After nineteen years as a pastor, I now know what it takes to get on the front page of the county paper. You can preach great sermons to a small group inside the walls of the Fellowship building, but it’s when you take the Gospel the street, to the public square, that the greater public takes notice.
- Jun 24, 2018Mark 12:1-34 “God wants us to understand Scripture”
Jun 24, 2018Mark 12:1-34 “God wants us to understand Scripture”By: Matthew DIehlSeries: MarkJesus Exposes Religious Leaders"Mark 12" from Round Top Church by Matthew Diehl.
- Jun 17, 2018Mark 11:27-33 Triuphful Entry By What Authority Part 2
Jun 17, 2018Mark 11:27-33 Triuphful Entry By What Authority Part 2By: Matthew DIehlSeries: Mark
"Mark 11:27-33"
We review Mark 11:18-26 to set the context for the rest of the chapter. Jesus is confronting the chief priest and the scribes at the Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus had already made His Triumphal entry into Jerusalem. He had come as the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. Jesus came to replace the existing high priest and the whole Temple system of substitutionary atoned-blood sacrifice with His own body and blood, the once-and-for-all sacrifice for the sins of the world (Hebrews 10). Jesus had previously turned over the tables of the money-changers and drove them (along with the animals) from the Temple claiming His house as a house of prayer. Jesus had cursed the fig tree as a sign for Israel in the prophetic words of Joel and Amos. Verse 27 picks up with Jesus’ activities on the next day.
- Jun 3, 2018Mark 11:1-14 Triumphal Entry
Jun 3, 2018Mark 11:1-14 Triumphal Entry"Mark 11:1-14" The Triumphal Entry is the most epic entry in history. It is triumphal, because God is deliberately choosing to go to the Cross to make THE HISTORICAL STATEMENT THAT DEATH CAN BE DEFEATED; YES, SIN AND DEATH CAN BE DEFEATED IN THE HEARTS OF FALLEN MAN THROUGH THE SUPERNATURAL SPIRITUAL POWER OF GOD WORKING IN THEM. What man could not even conceive, on his own, without God, is accomplished, because our Creator loves us;